Features of 8086 Microprocessor:
i) It is a
16 bit processor, contains approximately 29,000 transistors & fabricated
using HMOS technology.
ii) The
number of address lines are 20, so addressing capability of this is 220
= 1 MB.
iii)It has
20 address lines in which 16 lines are multiplexed with data lines.
iv) There
are 16 control lines for providing the handshaking signals during bus transfer
& for permitting at least some control to CPU.
v) It
requires only +5v DC supply.
operating frequency is above 5 MHz (8086-1 requires operating frequency of 10
MHz & 8086-2 requires operating frequency of 8 MHz)
vii) In 40
pin configuration it has provided with two ground pins, pin no 1 & pin no
viii) Input
output current levels yield 350mV noise immunity for logic 0 (Output max can be
as high as 450 mV while input max can be no higher than 800mV). This limits the
loading on the outputs.
Architecture of 8086:
Architecture of 8086:
Above Figure shows the internal
architecture of 8086. It is divided in mainly two groups named as Execution
Unit(EU) & Bus Interface Unit(BIU).
The EU contains Data registers, 16 bit
ALU, PSW, Control Logic. The BIU contains Segment registers, Instruction queue,
Stack Pointer Registers & Index Register.
The control unit working registers are
divided into three groups according to their functions. There are data group,
which is set of arithmetic registers, the pointer group, which include base
& index registers, stack
pointer & the segment group which is a set of special base registers.
data group consists of the AX, BX, CX, DX registers. These registers are used
to store operands & result of operations. AX, BX, CX, DX registers are used
as 16 bit registers but they can be also used as 8 bit registers as:
AX:- AL & AH
BX:- BL & BH
CX:- CL & CH
DX:- DL & DH
The pointer & index
group consists of IP, SP, BP, SI & DI registers. The IP(Instruction
Pointer) & SP(Stack Pointer) registers are essentially the program counter
& stack pointer but the complete instruction& addresses are formed by
adding the contents of these registers to the contains of code
segments(CS) & stack segments(SS).BP is base register for accessing the stack
SI & DI registers for indexing. The segment group
consists of Code, Data, Extra, Stack Segments.
Flag register of 8086:
A flag is a flip-flop which indicates some conditions produced by the
execution of an instruction or controls certain operations of EU. A 16 bit flag
register in EU contains nine active flags. These flags are as follows.
15 14 13
12 11
10 09 08
07 06 05
04 03 02
01 00
The flag register has two categories in
flags including carry flag(CF), parity flag(PF), auxiliary carry flag(AF), sign
flag(SF), zero flag(ZF), overflow flag(OF).
flags including direction flag(DF), interrupt flag(IF), trap flag(TF)
The description for the above flag register according to the numbers
below is specified here.
i) Sign
flag:- It indicates whether the result of operation is positive or negative.
ii) Zero
flag:- It is set when the result of arithmetic operation is zero.
iii) Parity
flag:- It is set when the low order 8 bit of the result contains an even number
of 1’s.
iv) Carry
flag:- It is set when the carry/borrow is generated after arithmetic
v) Auxillary
Carry flag:- Set, if there is carry/borrow by bit 3 during
vi) Overflow
flag:- It is set if there is a carry generated from D7 bit to D8 bit.
vii) Direction
flag:- It is set if the direction of data accessing starts from higher address
otherwise starts from lower address.
viii) Interrupt
flag:- If interrupt is generated during the execution this flag is set.
ix) Trap
flag:- If set then the NMI interrupt will be present otherwise if the NMI pin
is high this condition is false.
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